Visual Studio

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization Visual Studio and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

Résultats de la recherche

6 pigistes ont été trouvés pour la catégorie Visual Studio

Front-End Web Developer

Jen is a passionate designer with 15 years of experience spanning across multiple industries. Her corporate employment history is focused on Marketing and Graphic Design, with a diploma in Business....

London (Riverbend / Woodhull / North Sharon Creek / Byron / West Westmount), Canada

HTML 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1 React (JavaScript library) 1 JavaScript 1 Visual Studio 2 Node.js 1 jQuery 1

BackEnd Developer / DB Developer/ Software Integrator

• Results-driven Software Configuration Developer/Systems Analyst with +12 years of experience in developing and implementing business applications. Possesses a strong technical background and...

Port Coquilam, Canada

Visual Studio 9 SESAM/SQL Server 10 SAP BusinessObjects (BO) 2 C# 3 Oracle 4 powerBI 1 PL/SQL 6

Data Analyst / Scientist

I gained 3+ years of experience in software engineering and Microsoft technologies. - Have experience in writing queries, manipulating the data using SQL, and scheduling jobs to pull the data from...

Toronto, Canada

Python 4 Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 3 Machine learning 3 Git 2 Visual Studio 3 Software development 3 Data analysis 3 Natural Language Processing (NLP) 3

Android studio, Kotlin, Visual studio, Visual Basique. 2

Graphic designer

I'm a full time freelance graphic designer. I have experience working in an advertising company, a photo and design studio and a four-month student placement at the Croatian Chamber of Economy. (...

Coquitlam, Canada

Adobe Photoshop 5 Adobe Illustrator 5 Adobe InDesign 5 Lightroom 5 Visual Studio 3

.Net/.Net Core | Web API | Angular Expert

A results-driven, customer-focused, articulate, and analytical software developer who can think “out of the box”. Strong design and integration problem-solving skills. Expert in Dot Net...

Mardan, Pakistan

C# 6 Angular 1 .ASP.Net Core MVC 4 WebApi 2 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 5 jQuery 5 .Net Core 5 Entity Framework 4 .Net Framework (Mircosoft) 6 Visual Studio 6

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